Thursday, November 6, 2014

Bridge Competition!

Efficiency rating
= Weight it can hold (up to 15 kg) / Weight of the bridge

Bridge HW Grade based on:

  • 25% Design 
    • Creativity (your own design? or just something from the internet?)
    • Aesthetic appeal
    •  Homogeneous distribution of weight

  • 25% Use of materials (what material did you use, and why?)
    • Cost efficiency (the cheaper the better)
    • Strength/weight ratio
    • bonding agents & designs

  • 25% Efficiency rating
    • Class weighted; Top 33% = A, next 33% = B, lowest 33% = C

  • 25% Adhere to all of the rules
    • It's long enough for the span?
    • It is able to be loaded with the 5cm loading block?


Person with the highest efficiency rating in each class does not have to take the final.

Basic set-up:

A 5cm by 5cm by 2 cm wood block with a hook in the center will support the weight (see the top green arrow)

Weight will be added to your bridge by adding sand to a bucket suspended to your loading block. 

18 inch span

Wed. night

3feet span

** Your bridge will need to be slightly longer than what it needs to span!  Span = the distance between the tables your bridge will be resting on. 


  • The bridge will just rest on the table surface - you cannot anchor it with duct tape etc.

  • You can make your bridge out of any material you want, but remember efficiency is determined by your bridge weight, so choose materials carefully!

  • Failure will be defined by either the bridge breaking, or deforming more than 5 cm.  

  • You will need to fully load your bridge in 8 minutes or less.  


  • Pay attention to your joints - make the connections solid!  

  • Use clothespins, bent hairpins, paperclips, or small C-clamps (from the dollar store) to hold pieces together while it dries:

  • Wax paper makes a great building surface - the glue won't stick to it.

  • Build it in sections - don't try to build it all at once!

Bring your bridge in to test:

  • Tu/Th class - Thursday 11/13/2014
  • Wed class - Wed 11/19/2014

Good luck!


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